Encouragement Meet Wrap Up & a date for your diary

25 Mar by Crispin Butteriss

Congratulations to all of our swimmers who made it out of bed last Saturday morning for our first Encouragement Meet of the year.

And thank you to all parents who came along to volunteer and offer moral support.

A good time was had by all, even if there were a few teething problems after such a long gap between meets!

Our next Encouragement Meet will be a much warmer affair, and at a much more reasonable hour.

Please put 6:00pm – 8:00pm Saturday 15th June in your diary.

We’ll be indoors in the 25metre pool.

The program is to be confirmed, but I’m hoping we can focus on the Medley, with 100m, 200m, and 400m options! Plus, the ever popular relays.