Parent Supporters... we need your skills to grow the club!

16 Dec 2024 by Crispin Butteriss

Parents and Carers,

Thanks for your support through our first year back at NARC. It’s been a big year of reformation and consolidation of the club. Our numbers are growing steadily, but we need to maintain, and if possible, accelerate our growth in 2025. A larger club ensures our financial independence and sustainability; and creates the opportunity for more sessions, more lanes, more flexible and targeted training regimes, more coaches, and more competition.

With that in mind, we need some help with developing and implementing a Growth Strategy over the next 12-24 months. If you have a background in marketing and communications, we could use your skills to develop relationships with Darebin schools, learn-to-swim centres, and other potential partners. We could also do with some assistance developing and implementing a social media strategy with the support of our senior swimmers and coaching team. These could be two separate roles for anyone interested in volunteer job sharing!

Something to think about over the Christmas break! Please give me a call on 0411 291 460 to talk it through.

Club President

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